Awarded in 2015, the construction of M. Dhiggarui harbour was signed between MTCC and Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure. The construction work of the 225m long and 91.44m wide harbour commenced in November, 2015 and work was completed in Dec, 2016, within 404 days of commencement of work.
The main components of this project included:
Maint. dredging of existing basin 8,949.58cbm
Maint. dredging of existing channel 66.4 Cbm
Dredging of Boat Beaching Area 3,22.57 Cbm
QW Block Installation 216m
Breakwater & Revetment:
Construction of Breakwater 366.0m
Construction of Revetment 109.00m
Harbour Pavement – Installation of Blocks1,135.00 Sqm
Harbour Lights – Installation of Lights 12 Nos
Beacon Installation 2 Nos
Mooring Block Installation 15 Nos