N. Maalhendhoo IDB Harbour Project was awarded to MTCC in 2015 by the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure.
The project scope included:
Demolition of existing Quay wall and revetment structures and depositing the debris to acceptable locations as directed by the Engineer.
Dredging Harbour basin to -3.00m level 3,620cbm
Breakwater Construction
Type 1 105m
Revetment construction 261m
Quay wall construction
Supply and fixing precast quay wall units 379 m
Cast in situ concrete 379 m
Supply and fixing 38mm tie rod with 1000x1000x250mm anchor block 76(Nos)
Supply and fixing 20mm SS hooks 42 (Nos)
Back filling behind quay wall 3,118 cbm
Mooring buoys 07 (Nos)
Fixing solar powered navigation lights 4 (Nos)
Construction of fish landing slab 48 sqm