Gn. Fuvamulah IDB Harbour Project was awarded to MTCC in 2015 by the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure.
The Project comprised of:
Dismantling the timber fenders and depositing the debris to acceptable locations as directed by the Engineer 295m.
Inclusive of dredging the harbour area to a depth of MSL-3.40m and MSL-4.20 at inner and outer harbours 1657 cbm
Sandblasting of steel sheet piles conforming to Sa 2 to Sa 2.5 standard for the exposed areas from MSL-0.20 to crest level as specified and shown on drawings. 1855 m2
Sandblasting of steel sheet piles conforming to Sa 2 to Sa 2.5 standard for the underwater areas from MSL-0.20 to bottom of sheet piles as specified and shown on drawings. 3855 m2
Cast in Situ concrete in sheet piles from MSL-0.20 to MSL+1.80m, to grades, levels and areas as indicated in the drawing including RCC topping, reinforcements, welding the bars to sheet piles, reveals for anchor hooks and finishing the works to smooth finish as specified and shown on drawings 379m
Cast in Situ concrete in sheet piles from MSL-0.20 to MSL+1.80m at 700mm width, to grades, levels and areas as indicated in the drawing including RCC topping, reinforcements, welding the bars to sheet piles, reveals for anchor hooks and finishing the works to smooth finish as specified and shown on drawings 271 m