Airport Construction

Project to develop runway, taxiway and apron for GDh. Maavarulu Airport

The project for the construction of runway, taxiway & apron at G.Dh. Maavarulu airport was awarded by Regional Airports to MTCC on 15th March in 2018.

We completed the construction of runway, taxiway and apron of G. Dh. Maavarulu airport on 31st July 2019, under Phase 1 of the project.

Project works involve a 1200m x 30m runway; a 60m x 15m taxiway;
and a 120m x 45m apron.

The project which is valued at MVR 57.04 million was awarded to us on 15th March 2018, and subsequently mobilized on 6th April 2018.

Road Construction - Roads and Airports
Project Type
Airport Construction
G.Dh. Maavarulu
Regional Airports
Contract Sign Date
15th March 2018
Project Start Date
6th April 2018
Completion Date
7th July 2019