18 May 2023 - 15:18 N. Manadhoo Harbor Channel Dredging and Breakwater Construction Project is currently underway with 50% project completion
N. Manadhoo Harbor Channel Dredging and Breakwater Construction Project is currently underway with 50% project completion. Ramp construction work has begun, and jetty column installation has reached 52% completion. Dredging of existing harbor is currently ongoing at the site with 30% progress.
Scope of works for the project include; dredging and excavation operations of 29,038cbm; construction of a 195m breakwater; a 188m revetment; a concrete bridge; a ramp, and installation of navigational aids. The value of the project is MVR 30.3 million.
#MTCCProjects #RayyithungeKunfuni
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