Design and Build of HDh. Nellaidhoo Harbor Upgrade project was handed over to MTCC by Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure on 27th August 2019. Work on Design and Build of Hdh. Nellaidhoo Harbour is well underway, with overall 50% project progress. We have completed installation of precast concrete blocks...

This project was awarded to MTCC in 2007 by Ministry of Construction and Public Infrastructure. The work for this project was valued at MVR 19,487,946.90....

H.Dh. Nolhivaramfaru IDB Harbour Project was awarded to MTCC in 2015 by  the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure.   The Project comprised of: Harbour Dredging Harbour basin to -3.00m level 42,384 cbm Revetment construction 169 m Quay wall construction -Supply and fixing precast Quay wall units 324 m - in situ concrete...

H.Dh. Nolhivaram IDB Harbour Project was awarded to MTCC in 2015 by  the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure.   The Project comprised of: Dredging harbour basin to -3.00m level -37530cbm Quay wall construction: Supply and fixing precast Quay wall units 379m Cast in situ concrete 379m Supply and fixing 38mm tie...

This project was awarded to MTCC in 2015 by  the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure. The project was completed during 2017.   The project included: BREAKWATER EXTENSION - Construction inclusive of all materials and workmanship as shown in the drawings Core: Rock boulders from existing breakwater, laid to the...

The project to expand and upgrade the harbor of HDh. Kulhudufushi was contracted to Maldives Transport and Contracting Company, MTCC by Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure 12th December 2018.   Scope of the project includes Dredging operations of 236,844-cubic-meter  Construction of a 500-meter quay wal Installation of 79-meter drainage gutter, mooring...

The construction of H.Dh. Nehlaidhoo harbour was awarded to MTCC on 27th August 2019 by  the Ministry of National Planning and Infrastructure.   This project includes: 164m breakwater 224 quay wall 125m groyen 33154 cbm harbour deepening 2012sqm pavement 10 mooring blocks 2 navigational lights 20 harbour district lights A harbour ramp  ...

H.Dh. Kulhudhuffushi Terminal Excavation and Back Filling project was awarded to MTCC in 2018 by the Regional Airports. This project was completed on 25th September 2018 Scope of the project included Terminal area Excavation 7,125-square-meters Disposal of unsuitable materials 4,500.00-cubic-meters Terminal area backfilling 8,250.00-cubic-meters General leveling...

H.Dh. Kulhudhuffushi Shore Protection was awarded to MTCC by Awarded by Ministry of National Planning and Infrastructure. Scope of the Project includes Dredging & Reclamation 29,735-cubic-meters Construction of rock boulder revetment 800-meters Lake fill area 72,067-cubic-meter The project cost is MVR53432377.074.  ...